Join our vibrant and passionate community of volunteers

Volunteers are essential to our mission. Each year our volunteers donate their time and talent to help to care for our collections, support our staff, and enhance the visitor experience.
For current volunteers

Volunteer opportunities

The Gardens have a wide range of volunteer opportunities that vary throughout the year. Whether you love to engage with the public, work with youth, or help maintain our beautiful gardens, we have a volunteer role for you.

Group Volunteer Service Events

Schedule your team for a day of volunteering at the Gardens. Group volunteer events are a great way to bond while weeding and helping our staff maintain the Gardens.

Schedule a Group Volunteer Service Event

Teen Service Learning

Join this opportunity for youth who are 14 and older to help out in the Children’s Garden.

  • Exploring the Sensory Garden, April 5, 10am-1pm
    • Why and how do plants make scents? Make sense of the scents by helping our team care for the Sensory Garden and make a small bag of tea to take home.

Register for this event by completing the Youth Volunteer Registration Form.

Interpretive Program

We are currently recruiting new volunteers to serve as ambassadors of our vital living collections, engage visitors at interpretation stations, and serve as rovers at the Botanical Garden and Conservatory of Flowers. The next training sessions will take place on five Tuesdays, April 15-May 1, 5:30-8pm.

Library Reception

Welcome visitors and support our team at the Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture.

Horticulture opportunities

Grab your gloves and dig in with a Green Team to support the horticulture team in caring for the Gardens.

Special Event Support

Welcome guests to one of the many special events at the Gardens.

Youth Programs in the Children’s Garden

Help staff with programs and hands-on gardening projects to improve and maintain our learning landscape at the Children’s Garden and support our youth library program.

Individual Volunteer Requirements

Individual volunteers must have a current Gardens of Golden Gate Park membership, successfully complete a background check, have an email address, and submit an online volunteer application form.