Thank you for your support of the Gardens of Golden Gate Park.
Below are the ways you can make your most meaningful gift to advance the Gardens’ mission:

Check or Wire Transfer
Mail a check payable to Gardens of Golden Park:
Attn: Advancement Office, 320 Judah Street, Suite 2, San Francisco, CA 94122

Please call the Advancement Office at 415 -661-1316 ex. 442 if you would like to make your gift by phone.

Be a Monthly Donor
For as little as $10 a month, you can become a sustaining contributor to the Gardens of Golden Gate. Your automated monthly gift provides the Gardens with a reliable source of support and is an easy and convenient way to give.

Donor-Advised Funds and IRA Charitable Distributions
Donor Advised Funds
Support the Gardens with a gift from your donor-advised fund. Recommend Gardens of Golden Gate Park as the grant recipient and provide your name as the grant advisor. Note that our public/private partnership agreement with San Francisco Recreation & Parks prevents us from accepting grants made anonymously.
IRA Charitable Distributions
IRA owners age 70 1/2 or over have the option to transfer $100,000 to charity tax-free each year. Known as qualified charitible distributions or QCDs, these transfers offer eligible retirees a great way to support their favorite charities before the end of the year. For those who are at least 72, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year, lowering their taxable income.
The distribution must be made directly from your IRA to Gardens of Golden Gate Park. Instruct your plan administrator to send a specific dollar amount directly by check or electronic transfer.
Please note that QCDs and grants from donor-advised funds are fully tax deductible and may not be used for the purchase for any portion of event tickets, such as our annual gala.
If you have questions or need further information to make your gift, please contact:
Lynn Eve Komaromi, Director of Leadership Giving
(415) 661-1316, ext. 418

Gifts of Stock & Securities
Giving appreciated stock, mutual funds or other securities can help you avoid capital gains taxes while providing important support to the Gardens of Golden Gate Park.
To give a gift of appreciated stock, please contact:
Lynn Eve Komaromi, Director of Leadership Giving
(415) 661-1316, ext. 418

In-Kind Gifts
Gifts of goods and services help support our horticulture and education efforts, and may provide you with a charitable gift deduction.
For additional information, please contact the department you wish to donate to:
Philanthropy Department
(415) 661-1316 ext. 312
Car Donations
to donate a car, click here:
Youth Education
(415) 661-1316 ext. 406
Helen Crocker-Russell Library of Horticulture
(415) 661-1316, ext. 403
Nursery and Plant Collections
(415) 661-1316, ext. 421
Volunteer Program
(415) 661-1316, ext. 400

Employer Matching Gifts
Double or triple your support by having your gift matched by your employer. Contact your employer’s human resources department to find out if they have a matching gift program and request a match when you make your gift.

Real Estate
When you make a gift today of real estate you have owned longer than one year, you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value, subject to an independent appraisal.
This deduction lets you reduce the cost of making the gift and frees cash that otherwise would have been used to pay taxes. By donating the property to the Gardens of Golden Gate Park, you also eliminate capital gains tax on its appreciation.
Learn more about ways to give real estate here, or by contacting
Lynn Eve Komaromi, Director of Leadership Giving
(415) 661-1316, ext. 418

Donate Your Vehicle
Your old and tired wheels can become much-needed funds for the Gardens of Golden Gate Park. Proceeds from the sale of your unwanted car, truck, RV or other vehicle help support our mission to connect people to plants, the planet, and each other. Vehicle donation is a hassle free and easy way to give; and your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Planned Gifts
When you include the Gardens of Golden Gate Park in your estate plan, your generosity secures the Gardens’ long-term contribution to the cultural life of San Francisco.
Learn more about the ways to make a planned gift and joining our Legacy Circle.
Donor Disclosure & Recognition
San Francisco Botanical Garden Society is a nonprofit 501c3 organization (tax ID 94-6050168) doing business as the Gardens of Golden Gate Park, to jointly operate the Conservatory of Flowers, Japanese Tea Garden, and San Francisco Botanical Garden in partnership with San Francisco Recreation & Parks. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Because of our public/private partnership agreement, we must post the names of donors who give money, goods or services worth $100 or more in aggregate and disclose any financial interest that the donor has involving San Francisco City government.
Financial interest(s) in the City include: Contract with the City; Grant from City; Lease of Space to or from City; City License, Permit or Entitlement for Use; Pending request for a City Contract, Grant, Lease; License, Permit or Other Entitlement for Use; Other Financial Interest.