Bean Sprouts Family Days for Kids
Join us for family fun in the Children’s Garden every week!
What is Bean Sprouts Family Days?
Bean Sprouts Family Days take place in the Children’s Garden in San Francisco Botanical Garden. Kids are welcome to dig, water, pick, build, explore, and investigate in the Botanical Garden’s “yes space” for kids! Grab some tools at our welcome station or bring your own tools to work and play in the Children’s Garden.
What is a “yes space”?
Our “yes space” is an area of the Garden where kids and families are encouraged to plant, play, and explore. In the rest of the Gardens, picking flowers, digging holes, and building forts is not allowed, but in the Children’s Garden, these activities are encouraged!
Are Bean Sprouts Family Days free?
All Bean Sprouts programs are free of charge, with no preregistration required. Heavy rain cancels the program.
When are Bean Sprouts Family Days?
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-12pm and Saturdays, 12-4pm
Please check the official Bean Sprouts Family Days page for Special Holiday Hours!
Who helps guide Bean Sprouts Family Days?
At Bean Sprouts Family Days, you’ll meet Gardens Staff members, Gardens volunteers trained in helping kids connect with nature, and Teen Interns. We also host special guests on Saturdays, including the Mexican Museum and Planet Bee.
Learn more about the Children’s Garden and how to get there.
Join us on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
Dig, plant, build, and have fun!